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God Bless the King of Kings

Jeshua...   Jesus    


Jeshua Lion of Judah Melek Hamelakim

The name El associates with mercy from Exodus 34:6 where they are together as El Rahum.
The Uneraseable Names are:[1096]
Ehye, Elohim, El, Eloha, Shaddai – these are all attached to Hashem

Erasable names associated with the above include:
El – Hesed gadol (big), rachum (nurturing), chanun (gracious), chasin, erech apayim (patient), 

rav chesed (plentiful in kindness), kadosh (holy), chasid (devout), soleyach

Elohim adir (mighty), shofet (judger), dayyan (judge), chazak (strong), kabir, koach (powerful)
ish miylchamah (man of war), gibor (courageous), poked avon (exacts sin), 
meshalem gemul (repays in kind)

Hashem norah (awesome), noseh avon (carrier of sin), over al pesha (overlooker of transgression)
emet (truth), marom (on high), ram (exalted), notzar chesed (creator of compassion),
shochen ad (perpetual dweller) kadosh (holy).

  • Abir – "Strong One"[74]

  • Adir – "Strong One"[75]

  • Adon Olam – "Master of the World"

  • Aibishter – "The Most High" (Yiddish)

  • Aleim – sometimes seen as an alternative transliteration of Elohim, "A'lim " "عليم" in Arabic means who intensively knows, "A'alim" "عالم" means who knows, the verb is "A'lima" علم means " knows ", while "Allahomma" "اللهم" in Arabic equals to "O'God" and used to supplicate him for something.

  • Aravat (or Avarat) – "Father of Creation"; mentioned once in 2 Enoch, "On the tenth heaven is God, in the Hebrew tongue he is called Aravat".

  •  Avinu Malkeinu (help·info) – "Our Father, Our King"

  •  Bore (help·info) – "The Creator"

  • Dibbura or Dibbera - "The Word" - used primarily in the Palestinian Targums of the Pentateuch (Aramaic); e.g. Num 7:89, The Word spoke to Moses from between the cherubim in the holy of holies.

  • Ehiyeh sh'Ehiyeh – "I Am That I Am": a modern Hebrew version of "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh"

  • Ein Sof – "Endless, Infinite", Kabbalistic name of God

  • El ha-Gibbor – "God the Hero" or "God the Strong" or "God the Warrior"."Allah jabbar" "الله جبار" in Arabic means "the God is formidable and invincible"

  • Emet – "Truth"

  • HaKadosh, Barukh Hu (Hebrew); Kudsha, Brikh Hu (Aramaic); تبارک القدوس (Arabic) – "The Holy One, Blessed Be He"

  • HaRachaman – "The Merciful One"; "Rahman - رحمن" In (Arabic)

  • Kadosh Israel – "Holy One of Israel"

  • Magen Avraham – "Shield of Abraham"

  • Makom or HaMakom – literally "The Place", perhaps meaning "The Omnipresent" (see Tzimtzum)

  • Malbish Arumim – "Clother of the Naked"

  • Matir Asurim – "Freer of the Captives"

  • Mechayeh HaKol In Arabic "Al-muhyi al-kull - محيي الكل" – "Life giver to All" (Reform version of Mechayeh Metim)

  • Mechayeh Metim – "Life giver to the Dead"

  • Melech HaMelachim–"The King of Kings" or Melech Malchei HaMelachim "The King, King of Kings", to express superiority to the earthly rulers title. Arabic version of it is مالك الملك (Malik al-Mulk).

  • Melech HaOlam–"The King of the World"

  • Memra d'Adonai-"The Word of the LORD" (plus variations such as "My Word") - restricted to the Aramaic Targums; (the written Tetragrammaton is represented in various ways such as YYY, YWY, YY, but pronounced as the Hebrew "Adonai")

  • Mi She'amar V'haya Ha`olam - "He who spoke, and the world came into being."

  • Oseh Shalom – "Maker of Peace"

  • Pokeach Ivrim – "Opener of Blind Eyes"

  • Ribono shel'Olam – "Master of the World". Arabic version of it is رب العلمين

Rabb al-‘Alamin.

  • Ro'eh Yisra'el – "Shepherd of Israel"

  • Rofeh Cholim – "Healer of the Sick"

  • Shomer Yisrael – "Guardian of Israel" (Psalms 121:4)

  • Somech Noflim – "Supporter of the Fallen"

  • Tzur Israel – "Rock of Israel"

  • Uri Gol – "The New LORD for a New Era" (Judges 5:14)

  • YHWH-Niss"i (Adonai-Nissi) – "The LORD Our Banner" (Exodus 17:8–15)

  • YHWH-Rapha – "The LORD that Healeth" (Exodus 15:26)

  • YHWH-Ro'i – "The LORD My Shepherd" (Psalms 23:1)

  • YHWH-Shalom – "The LORD Our Peace" (Judges 6:24)

  • YHWH-Shammah (Adonai-shammah) – "The LORD Is Present" (Ezekiel 48:35)

  • YHWH-Tsidkenu – "The LORD Our Righteousness"[76] (Jeremiah 23:6)

  • YHWH-Yireh (Adonai-jireh) – "The LORD Will Provide" (Genesis 22:13–14)

  • Yotsehr 'Or – "Fashioner of Light"

  • Zokef kefufim – "Straightener of the Bent"

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